When you’ve been involved with pure water for over two decades, you begin to think differently about this amazing substance. Discover ten lessons from 20+ years of drinking good water. #water #health #wellness

When you’ve been involved with pure water for over two decades, you begin to think differently about this amazing substance. Discover ten lessons from 20+ years of drinking good water. #water #health #wellness
Antioxidants: are what you buy really doing it for you?
Our body is still adapted for a life and death struggle between predator and prey. Some fitness “experts” still deny this primal truth. They still have you doing long, drawn-out sessions of cardio.
It's become pretty obvious to me that a daily workout of 45 minutes is unnatural. We were simply not designed to endure that kind of prolonged exertion… How did that fit into hunting for food? Did our ancestors do unnecessary daily workouts? Of course not! Our ancestors had to be able to accelerate to 100% […]